Story Behind the Stores: Mindy

We are excited to announce Mindy as our new retail merchandising manager! Mindy’s path to this position wasn’t always an easy one. A former pharmacy technician, Mindy suffered from undiagnosed Celiac disease. “It felt like I was constantly being stabbed,” Mindy...

Story Behind the Stores: Charlotte

For five years, Charlotte found herself in an abusive relationship. Once she had enough courage to exit that relationship, she ended up marrying a person who was abusing drugs. His substance use was causing fights, and Charlotte submitted to the “if you can’t...

Story Behind the Stores: Susan Nakintu

Susan Nakintu moved to the United States from Uganda when she was 14 years old. She’s the firstborn child in her family, made up currently of her mother, who lacks education, and her siblings. She lost her father when she was younger, meaning it’s her duty as the...

Story Behind the Stores: Demontez Campbell

Twenty-one million Americans are in the grip of addiction, fighting for control of their lives in a battle that often leads to poverty, incarceration and in some cases, death. And yet, roughly 10 percent seek treatment for their dependency. Forty to 60 percent of that...

Story Behind the Stores: Haley

Haley was mother to a toddler and pregnant with her second child by the age of 20. As a high school dropout, her prospects for reliable employment were slim. She needed financial flexibility but didn’t know where to turn before she came across an opportunity with the...