Timothy faced an unstable living situation due to his struggle with addiction. Over the span of two years, he alternated between living on the streets of Louisville and staying in shelters.

During his time in a shelter, he met Sharon Allgeier, the program manager for Goodwill Industries of Kentucky’s Another Way program. The connection opened up new opportunities for his future.

“Goodwill has been with me the whole way,” he said. “When I first came to Goodwill, I completed the (digital literacy) classes, the soft skills classes, de-escalation training, and things of that nature.”

Timothy was eventually hired onto the Another Way team as an outreach specialist. Less than a year later, he was promoted to supervisor.

“It’s great to be able to connect with the homeless population here in Louisville,” he said. “It’s a humbling experience – I’m giving to the homeless community what Goodwill gave to me.”

Timothy, an Army Veteran, reached a significant milestone in January when he moved into his own apartment. Now that he has a stable place to live, he wants to help others who are dealing with the same challenges.

“I never thought I was going to be homeless,” he said. “So being able to help people every day, it puts a smile on my face. Every time I come into work I have a smile on my face.”