When Tim was living in an addiction recovery center, he didn’t know where his life was headed. He didn’t have a job or any connections to resources. He considered turning back to alcohol.

But once he connected with the Louisville Opportunity Center and the many programs and services available there, his life took a turn for the better.

“I didn’t know about Goodwill,” he said. “I thought Goodwill was a clothing store. … It is a great source – just giving someone a second chance. I love it.”

Tim hit the ground running and completed the Soft Skills Academy, GoodStart Program, digital literacy program and just enrolled in the Peer Support Program. While completing the programs, he was hired at the Northfield store in Louisville.

“Even at 54, I can still change my life,” he said, “I can still do something positive. I can still be somebody.”

While applying for the job, Tim met Jasmine Cunningham, the manager of community-based services for Goodwill. She introduced him to yet another resource, the AcceLOUrate Savings Financial Wellness Program, which is for individuals and families residing in Louisville’s most economically challenged neighborhoods who would like to improve their financial stability.

Through the program, Tim opened a bank account, improved his credit and established savings. Jasmine gifted Tim a change counter (pictured with Tim). He has saved well over $1,200, mostly in change, since joining the program.

“This program is a life saver,” he said. “It saved my life. It really kept me from going back out on the streets and getting back into a lifestyle I was once used it. It’s given me so many opportunities, opened so many doors. I really don’t know how to say thank you.”

Tim said Jasmine has been there every step of his journey, and he’s proud to be paying off his debts with her help.

“One of his favorite sayings that he says often is, ‘Even a dime can turn into a dollar bill,’” Jasmine said. “I am so proud of Mr. Carter and look forward to helping him achieve his financial goals.”

Jasmine isn’t the only Goodwiller who has made a lasting impact on Tim. He said he attends Chaplain Rob Moore’s CARES classes and others each week. Tim also said Career Coach Samantha Sharp and Career Coach Jason Durbin, among many others, have helped him launch his new career and create a positive outlook on life.

“Goodwill has really helped me to grow,” he said.

Tim continues to take his appointments seriously and arrive early. He said he wants to be an example for others who are facing challenges.

“Goodwill will save your life if you allow it to,” he said. “But you also have to put work in. I’m not going to stop doing work as long as it’s helping me. I want to share that – to have a second chance at a better life.”