Jennifer – a mother of three – was deep into addiction, living at a hotel, when she was charged with a misdemeanor.

“The judge gave me a chance to do treatment, and I was really grateful, even though I didn’t want to go,” Jennifer said. “I went to a sober living home, and I sat and listened.”

While at the sober living home, Jennifer was introduced to Goodwill’s RISE program, which is designed to help individuals with background challenges reenter society.

After a period of working in the fast-food industry, Jennifer was eventually hired to work part time at our Pikeville store before being promoted to a full-time cashier.

During this time, she worked with Robby, her Goodwill career coach, to set goals related to budgeting, education and health. Jennifer now has her own place to live and plans to purchase a vehicle through Goodwill Cars to Work, which is designed to help people with low or no credit earn approval for a loan. She is also working toward earning her GED and plans to start sponsoring others.

“I love the people here and the support I get,” Jennifer said. “I am real big into recovery. That comes first to me. I am grateful for all the programs Goodwill offers.”