Today, the Louisville Hotel Association (LHA) presented Director of Development Martha Stephenson and Director of Public Relations & Communications Barnard Baker with a check for $10,000 to help fund Goodwill’s Soft Skills Academies.
As part of the LHA’s vision to positively impact economic growth, local and state legislation and workforce development, the organization has made a concentrated effort to provide improved accommodations and necessities for our impoverished and disadvantaged communities. Over $300 million in revenue is generated by the hotels annually with $30 million dollars in room tax that helps support various organizations, such as Goodwill.
“We are extremely appreciative to have thoughtful organizations like the LHA,” said Baker. “We are grateful that they are willing to partner with Goodwill in our mission to help individuals bypass obstacles that may stand in the way to a better quality of life.”
Goodwill’s Soft Skills Academy program was launched in 2018, serving clients from the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections and several nonprofit organizations. Graduates of the program receive a “work ready” certificate, after learning critical workplace skills including attitude, conflict resolution, dependability, safety, self-presentation and team building.
During the training and following graduation, Goodwill career coaches work with participants one-on-one to further prepare them for and secure employment, ensuring that the job seeker’s skills are matched appropriately with an employer’s needs and requirements. After placement, the career coaches stay engaged with both the employee and employer to assist with any issues that could put the person’s continued employment at risk.