Boone was born into poverty and as a result became homeless. He was able to find places to stay with different relatives, but he couldn’t find an opportunity to escape that cycle – until he was introduced to Goodwill nine months ago.

“Every direction I tried on my own, with my own thinking and my own strength, it always failed me,” he said. “But coming to Goodwill just helped me. Everyone is just genuine and kind, and they want to see everyone succeed in life.”

Boone has taken advantage of several opportunities since learning about Goodwill’s services. He opened his first bank account and began building credit, gained computer literacy knowledge, obtained a bicycle through the Last Mile to Work Program and in May purchased a car through the Cars to Work Program.

He even has his own home thanks to the Goodwill Housing Program.

“What led me to Goodwill is the second chance opportunity,” he said. “I do have a life that I came up in – it wasn’t the best life. But I’m thankful that I was able to still live and see this day, to have this opportunity to work for a place this big and kind as Goodwill. Goodwill is arms open. … The only thing they focus on is a second chance. That gave me a lot of hope and inspiration.”

Boone was also hired by Goodwill as a member of the custodial staff. He works at the South Louisville campus, which includes the South Louisville Opportunity Center, The Excel Center® and the 2nd Chance Outlet. He said he wants to be an example for individuals he meets on the campus who are also taking advantage of Goodwill’s services.

“When I see these people on these posters and they’re smiling, they’ve been through the Goodwill programs and have their certificates,” he said. “That compelled me to step out on faith and take that chance. I came in empty handed.”

Before Goodwill, public transportation used to be Boone’s only way of getting around. Since finding Goodwill, he’s been connected with a bicycle and has graduated to purchasing a car through Cars to Work. Now, he drives to work.

“To be able to go to Oxmoor Toyota and get a car from a big dealership,” he said, “that’s an amazing part about it. I never would have had that opportunity to get a car from a big dealership. That in itself says a lot. … They didn’t just get me a job and leave me.”

Boone continues to build his confidence thanks to his faith and a hand up from Goodwill, and he says the program managers and career coaches are a big part of his life-changing accomplishments.

“If you can trust in the process of Goodwill, then you’re going to reach your goals,” he said. “I have everything to prove it’s worth being here.”