Goodwill Industries of Kentucky introduced the Another Way program to help reduce panhandling and give individuals at stoplights and other rights of way a new, more effective way of giving to those experiencing poverty. The program is sponsored by Louisville Metro and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

Another Way program leaders use Goodwill transportation to canvass highly trafficked areas, such as homeless shelters, highways, byways and street corners, pick up willing workers and take them to worksites around the city for four hours of work. In return, the participants earn $50, lunch and an introduction to the internal and external barrier-reduction resources at Goodwill’s Opportunity Centers. The program currently operates in Louisville and Bowling Green and has served more than 4,000 individuals. 


Spectrum: Shovels to the rescue: Kentuckians free each other from stubborn snow, ice

BG Daily News: Goodwill, city call Another Way effort a success

WNKY: Goodwill Industries of Kentucky offers “Another Way” to help the homeless

Bowling Green Daily News: Job-training agreement has potential in BG

WBKO: Goodwill’s Another Way program to empower and employ BG homeless population

WNKY: Goodwill Industries program launching in Bowling Green to address homelessness



WLKY: Ride along shows the mission, success stories of Goodwill’s ‘Another Way’ program

WAVE: Louisville man goes from homeless to management in 6 months with help of Goodwill program

WAVE: Another Way team, Council President Markus Winkler join Listens Live!


Spectrum: Job training helps participants find ‘Another Way’

Spectrum: Additional shelter open in Louisville during extreme cold

WLKY: Goodwill, The Hope Buss partnering to provide opportunities for homeless


WHAS: Louisville organizations team up for emergency pop up shelter amid bitter cold

WAVE: Warmth and paycheck, how 2 organizations have teamed up to save lives

WDRB: Goodwill, Hope Village providing homeless place to stay as temperatures remain bitterly cold


WHAS: Goodwill’s Another Way program is addressing the gap in the labor market

Spectrum: Goodwill program helps Kentuckians with employment, housing and more

WDRB: Goodwill’s ‘Another Way’ program pays homeless for work, connects them to resources


WHAS: Goodwill Industries of Kentucky offers ‘Another Way’ program to community


WLKY: Goodwill program aims to provide homeless people with resources, and clean up the city

WDRB: Goodwill program gives Louisville’s homeless opportunities to work for assistance

WAVE: Goodwill Industries of Kentucky’s Another Way program joins Listens Live

Spectrum: How Goodwill’s ‘Another Way’ initiative is connecting homeless people with jobs

WAVE: Goodwill program reports on success after Louisville panhandlers find work

WHAS: New pilot program aims to help Louisville’s homeless find work and connect them with resources

WDRB: Goodwill’s mobile unit will be new way to help Louisville’s homeless, decrease panhandling


For more information about the Another Way program, or to connect with the services provided, please contact Program Manager Sharon Allgeier at [email protected] or Director of Community Based Career Services Kimberly Boyd-Lane at [email protected] or fill out the contact form here and a member of our Communications team will reach out in a timely manner.

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