
Goodwill offers job opportunities for people with disabilities through SourceAmerica™ (formerly NISH), a nonprofit agency set up by the federal government to assist organizations like Goodwill in obtaining federal contracts.

SourceAmerica was established through the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act (JWOD) which enables people who are blind or have other disabilities to work through local, community-based organizations to provide quality services to the federal government. Goodwill has three janitorial contracts where more than 80% of employees have severe disabilities:

  • Bluegrass Army Depot (Richmond, Ky.)
  • Gene Snyder Courthouse (Louisville, Ky.)
  • Mazzoli Federal Building (Louisville, Ky.)

For more information about Goodwill’s janitorial services or employment opportunities, call (502) 585-5221.

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