This week, we at Goodwill Industries of Kentucky observes National Employ Older Workers Week, a time to acknowledge the vital role of older workers in the workforce.

At Goodwill, we serve individuals 55 years old or older through our Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP), which is designed to link low-income older workers to on-the-job training that can help them move into paid employment, like Rhonda.

Rhonda was divorced and living in subsidized housing with only her SNAP benefits and sporadic income as a substitute teacher. She applied to SCSEP in 2019 and was connected to a Career Coach, Lou Anne Akers. She hadn’t had a full-time job since 2000, but after she enrolled, she began to get on-the-job training at two different host agencies. She also completed computer classes to improve her digital literacy skills.

After completing the program, Rhonda was hired as a full-time employee at an agency in her hometown. She has the steady income she needs to live more comfortably and independently. She said she has Goodwill and her Career Coach, Lou Anne, to thank.

“I would recommend the Goodwill SCSEP program to anyone who needs training to reenter the job market,” Rhonda said. “It helped me in my time of need and helped me get back on my feet. … It has helped my quality of life. I will miss it!”